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Weekdays: 8am-5pm
Saturdays: 8am-3om
Auto Repair (773)684-1466
Tire Shop (773)855-9241
Towing (219)801-2526
Your Car is in Good Hands
Got a nail in your tire? No problem, we can help maintain the air in your tire by repairing it with a plug or patch.
New Tires
Need a new tire? Name the brand and size, and we got you covered with an affordable price.
Wheel Balance
Feeling a little misbalanced? Come get your wheels balanced for a low price.
Rotation and Mounting
In need of a rotation or wheel mounting? We can do it for you.
Used Tires
Our used tires are sold at a respected and appropriate price.
Used Rims
Need a rim? We might have something that fits.
Wheel Repair
Our wheel repair services include patches,
plugs, sealment, valve stem replacement, and rim cleansement
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